July 12, 2009

Women and babies

What up with women and babies?  Babies stink and are stupid, yet women are still proud of themselves for making them.  I mean, you can't even have a discussion with a baby.  You have to teach them to speak and walk and go to the toilet.  If you're thinking of having a baby consider this: once that baby pops out, you are responsible for it and if you don't take care of it you will be in deep shit.  If you do take care of it, chances are it will never appreciate it;  It probably won't even like being alive. Lose-lose.

And who even cares if the human race of dies off?  Does that really change anything for you?  Once you're dead, you're dead, and you don't get to experience this spoils of human advancement, so why not be bitter about it and refuse to make any babies?

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